Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wanna write a novel?

I started my writing journey about a year ago.  I decided to teach myself the art of writing fiction.  I love to read a good suspense know, the kind that keeps you turning the page at all hours of the night.  My desire is to write clean mystery/suspense novels that are hard to put down.  I thought that as much as I read, it would be a piece of cake to write a novel.  I was totally wrong.  The last year has taught me that there is a lot to learn.  But, I believe that if you have the passion and desire to write, you have already won half the battle. 
     Here is a list of my favorite books on how to write fiction. 1. Don't Murder Your Mystery by Chris Roerden  2. Getting into Character by Brandilyn Collins  3. Plot and Structure by James Scott Bell  4. First Draft in 30 Days by Karen Wiesner  5. Stein on Writing by Sol Stein  6. Self Editing for Fiction Writers   7. Dialogue by Gloria Kempton  8. Description by Monica Wood  9. Beginnings, Middles and Ends by Nancy Kress  10. Conflict, Action and Suspense by William Noble  11. Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Maass.   Study these books and you will be on your way to writing your bestseller.

This is a picture of me working on my manuscript at a friends mountain cabin in North Carolina.  It was very peaceful and relaxing.  Here I am learning about using description in a story.

God Bless!


Gloria said...

Hi Pam,
Your blog looks great and I like your post, very informative!
Thanks for following me. Now, I am following you!
I envision you going far with this blog!
Love ya,

Frisbee Girl said...

I've never heard of any of those books, but, from the titles, I should go look them up. Thanks for the recommendations. My biggest problem with writing is that I plan out every little detail of the main (exciting) parts but I have trouble writing the rest of the book to set it up for the good parts. That's why I'm only on my fifth chapter; I don't know what to make them do to for the next couple of weeks in their lives. :) Can't wait until your book is done so I can read it.

Julia said...

Hey there! Lookin' good... I like how you added a photo to your post! The books all sound GREAT. I would love to look into some of those. :D

Kayla's blog looks great! :D I love her first post. :)

Have a blessed day!

Pamela said...

ok...I'm totally embarrased but I'll confess...I didn't realize that I am suppose to reply to my posts or that I even could. So Sorry!

Julia and Gloria thank you for your kind words. And Julia I owe it all to you. Thanks again!

Frisbee Girl...I would be happy to help you with your book...not that I have all the answers but maybe we can encourage each other.